Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Four Months

Hunter had his four month check up this morning. He is weighing in at 11 pounds 10 ounces and is 23.5 inches long. He is still on the small end of things, but he is progressing very well.  He even rolled over last Saturday from his back to his tummy! But he had to get his shots today, and I was so nervous! I held his little hands and the first shot didn't even phase him, but after the second one, he started crying. A few screams and a few tears, and I picked him up and snuggled him and he stopped crying. I put him back on the table to put his pants on, and Cody came over to see him and Hunter sadly told him about how crappy the shots were. :) It was too cute! Then of course, his Daddy got a big smile out of him before we put him back in his carseat. :) So far today he has been his sweet, happy, normal self. Sleeping just a bit more than usual, but so far no crying. :) Let's hope this keeps up.

Hunter being smiley and happy after the doctor.

And of course I needed to get some photos of the band-aids.

I still can not believe that our little man is four months old already!  It seriously feels like yesterday we were getting ready to leave for Utah for Christmas, and little did we know, Hunter was also preparing for his arrival in Utah for Christmas.  :)  We love you so much, Hunter!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it crazy how fast time flies? And yet, you can hardly remember what your life was like just four short months ago without Hunter in it. Crazy. I'm glad he did okay with the shots!
