Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hiking May 2013 - Coal Creek Trail

Cody and I very much enjoy taking Vega and Hunter on some mini hikes.  Mainly just places close by and not too far, we were never really sure how Hunter would be on a super long, all day hike.  But Cody found a place that was only about a 15 minute drive from our house, so even tho it was a 6 mile hike, we didn't have to spend a long time driving there.  Thankfully, for May, it was a beautiful sunny day and Hunter was in a very good mood.  :)  We had never done this hike before, and we didn't know what to expect, but it turned out to be amazing!  There were some narrow places,  some wet spots, and some climbing, but it was a perfect hike.  Hunter was always a little concerned when Vega was out of our eye sight, but she always came right back.  Thankfully, Hunter LOVES his backpack that his GodMama Molly gave him.  :)

Starting the hike with Hunter bopping Daddy's head!

On the stairs down the mountain.


Found some water...

Getting a drink and finding sticks!

Crap!  Lost my stick!!

So green!

My boys in all the greenery.

Hunter making sure Mommy is still there.

I thought that this sign was hilarious!!

A pond at the end of the trail, covered in cotton!

Of course Vega found the BIGGEST stick on the trail!  We had to tell her to leave it many times before she would follow us back!  Silly girl.

Pretty blue peaking through the green.

Love the sun!

On one of the bridges.

Look closely and you can see a Vega puppy!

Love being surrounded in all this green!

More stairs...

More posing in front of the tiny waterfall.

Almost at the end of our hiking day, we let Hunter get out and try out his hiking shoes.  

Hunter loves hiking, too!

Got my sticks and leaves!

Mommy and Hunter's hiking shoes!
It was so much fun, and we were so lucky that Hunter had a blast too!  We haven't been able to go on an all day hiking adventure since this one, but we have done a few more mini hikes, but we are hoping that many, many more are in our future.  :)


  1. Nice catch up on your blog! I'm still way behind. I love to see pics of my cute nephew!

    1. Yeah, I'm still super behind, but I'm working on it. :) As you know, life keeps going, but trying to keep up with it is hard!!! ;)
