Monday, May 23, 2011

A Busy few weeks...

At the end of April, we went to Phoenix to visit Cody's brother, Brandon and his girlfriend, Maday. We all celebrated Cody's birthday together, which was super fun to be around some family for his birthday. We did lunch and had some awesome, amazing pizza for Cody's birthday dinner. Then we went bar hopping to some fun places around Phoenix.

Cody and I hanging out.

Cute Maday and Brandon.

Maday and Laci.

Silly John boys! Trying so hard to be so serious.

Then the rest of the weekend was spent hanging out by the pool and soaking up some much needed sun!

It was a fantastic weekend; we were so glad that we were able to make our annual Phoenix trip. We usually like to go at the end of January or February, but with us moving, we just weren't able to make it work. We were a little nervous at first because the forecast was projecting over 100 degrees, and the warmest day in Seattle so far had only been 65 degrees. Thankfully, it wasn't that hot, and it felt wonderful being in the pool.

On a side note, Brandon and Maday just announced their engagement. I am so very happy and excited for them! Congrats to them both!

The next weekend we had a visit from my mother and father-in law. It was a quick trip, but it was so much fun. It was my father-in-law's birthday on the Thursday they flew in, so we went out to eat. Cody had to work that Friday, so I practiced my Seattle driving with them. Thankfully, I didn't get stuck in traffic, or it might have been scary. :)

On Saturday we went downtown and showed them our apartment we were in, and visited Pike's Place.

We went and wandered around an antique shop near Pike's Place. Here is Cody trying to make a call in an old phone booth. It didn't work. :)

Then we went on a steam boat tour of Lake Union. It was so much fun, and the day turned out beautiful.

Here is the boat we got to ride.

The Space Needle from Lake Union.

There are some really cool looking boat houses in Lake Union. Here are a few.

Gasworks Park from the boat.

I got a kick out of going under the drawbridge. I thought it was so cool watching the bridge close after the boat went under.

All of us out on the boat.  "We're on a boat!"

After the boat ride, we walked over to the Experience Music Project and wandered around in there for a little bit. Then we went to Serious Pie for an early dinner. I must say, the best thing about having someone come visit is the food. :) Yummy!

The John's at Serious Pie.

While on the boat tour, we passed the Sleepless in Seattle boat house. Since Cody and I had never seen that movie, we decided to call it an early night, and after dinner we went back to our house and watched the movie. I seriously think it is now one of my favorite movies. I can't believe it took me this long to watch it. Such a funny show! Anyway, we did breakfast in the morning, and went to Pioneer Square to do The Underground Tour. It's one of my favorites in Seattle, because I find it all so interesting. I recommend that tour to anyone who comes to visit. After the tour, we took them back to the airport. A very busy, short, super fun weekend.

The last couple of weekends we have been taking it easy and exploring the parks. Last week was a gorgeous week for weather. It was sunny almost the whole time, and got up to around 70 degrees one day. It was awesome! It is now back to normal Seattle weather, with it drizzling here and there, but at least it is warmer now. :)

So, that is what we have been up to the last month. We are coming back to Utah this upcoming Wednesday and staying until the next Tuesday. I will post again when we get back. Hopefully the weather will be warm, since I heard Utah has been having Seattle weather the last couple of weeks. :)

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