Thursday, December 1, 2011

Our Thanksgiving

Since we didn't go to Utah for Thanksgiving, we celebrated it differently than we normally do. A few of us transplants who weren't going home for the holiday decided to get together and have our own Thanksgiving. It turned out great! We went over to our friends home in Sammamish, which is about 15 minutes east-ish of Seattle. We ate great food and had great company. As hard as it was being away from family for Thanksgiving, I'm glad we have found some good friends that we were able to share the day with.

Our friends Pedro and Jessica, who recently got engaged!

Jessica and Jill

Mmmm...look at all that yummy food!

Aaron serving the first piece of turkey.

Us after after dinner and dessert. I think I have a food baby in there with my real baby! :)

It was a little different than we are use to, but it was still so much fun!


  1. Looks like you had more fun than we did! Sure did miss you.

  2. I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving! And thanks for posting the "food baby" cute! I'm sure Baby Batman enjoyed dinner also. ;-) Love you!
