Sunday, February 19, 2012

Pictures and Other Things

Well, we can't seem to stop taking pictures of our cute little boy! He is just always doing cute and funny things that we have taken a jazillion pictures of him! So I thought I would share just a few. :)

Hanging out with Daddy.

Looking oh so cute in his hippo hat.

Wud up, gangstas!!

Chillin' with the Vega Dog.

We recently purchased Hunter a swing, and he LOVES it! He is so good to just hang out in there and look at the mobile, and watch his surroundings. Occasionally he does fall asleep in it. :)

In most of Hunter's pictures, you can usually see him sleeping with his hands near or on his face. Even in his ultrasounds, he usually always had one or both hands by his face. This has not changed. :) No matter how tight we bundle him, he still will usually wiggle at least one hand out and put it on his face.

Three generations, my mom, me, and Hunter.

Our little family, Cody and I, Hunter and Vega.

So, our second week back in Seattle was an eventful one. We ended up moving. Yeah, kinda crazy. We had kind of decided while we were in Utah that we would need a bigger place, so Cody had been randomly looking at some rentals around Seattle and Redmond. Well, while in Utah, we found a place that we both really liked and it was a mile from Cody's office. So that Monday after we returned to Seattle, we went and looked at it and just loved it! So we filled out an application, and we were approved to move in. We started moving our stuff last Saturday and we were done all moving in by yesterday. Somehow we were able to move into a new place with a two month old in only a week. I think we have gone crazy tho. :) Hunter was really cooperative throughout the whole thing, which was really helpful. He would sleep or just hang out and watch us while we cleaned and packed.

Hunter just hanging out in his carseat while we were cleaning. Such a good little stud.

Our empty Seattle home.

Our second week home sure hasn't been as relaxing as our first week back, but hopefully this next week will be a little more uneventful. :)


  1. LOVE the pictures of my sweet nephew! Keep them coming. Take a few pics of the new place too...can't wait to see you all in person in a few weeks!!

  2. The last picture - Hunter didn't really take up that much room in the old place!!! Glad you're getting settled.
