Tuesday, February 7, 2012

NICU Baby Continued...

So, my days were basically filled with coming and leaving the hospital. Thankfully, we were staying at my in-laws, and they are a five minute drive to the hospital, so that really helped. I would wake up and get to the 9:00am feeding and stay there usually until around 11:00 or 11:30, then come back to the house to eat/sleep/shower, basically whichever I thought was higher priority at the time. Then I would make it back for the 3:00pm feeding, and usually stay until they had their shift change at 5:00pm, and I would either run errands or try and meet family for dinner or try and squeeze in some laundry, which I seemed to be doing a lot of because we only packed for our Christmas visit, so I was going through clothes pretty fast. :) Finally, I would go back for the 9:00pm feeding and stay until about 10:00pm. Physically and emotionally, I was exhausted. But I needed to do whatever I could to help my baby, so between the hospital visits and pumping for milk to give him, I felt like I was running on empty, but I had to keep going. Hunter was progressing so well! He was gaining weight so well, and was slowly learning to eat from a bottle and learning to breastfeed. His IV's were out, and his labs were looking great. He still had his feeding tube in and was on a little big of oxygen.

I forgot to mention on the last post that he did have to go under the Bililights for a touch of jaundice a few days after he was born. He was still looking pretty cute. :)

There were so many visitors the first few weeks after he was born, it was so great to have family around to see him.

Daddy and Hunter.

My mom, Grandma Roze, and Hunter.

Hunter and Uncle Brandon.

Aunt Jami and Hunter.

A tired mommy and baby.

Cody's mom, Grandma Laurie, and baby Hunter.

Cody's dad, Buppa, and Hunter.

Baby Hunter and Uncle Brandon.

Uncle JJ and Hunter.

Week two in the NICU was fabulous. I will update the final week in the NICU shortly. :)


  1. I miss snuggling that cute little man!

  2. Keep the pictures coming he is so dang cute! I'm so excited for you guys and so glad you're all doing great!!
